Welcome from Headteacher
Welcome to the website of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. St Mary’s is an oversubscribed two-form school located in Eltham in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The governors, senior leaders and staff have high aspirations for all pupils, ensuring successful outcomes at every stage.
We are committed to fostering an expectation of excellence within pupils to thrive academically, socially and spiritually. It is the mission of St Mary’s to provide for our students the best possible quality of education, guided by the teachings of Christ and His Church.
The Gospel teachings and British values are embedded in our actions and words. These have influenced our school values (faith; respect; mercy; resilience; love; truth) and permeate through school life.
In September 2021. the school became one of the founding members of the South East London Catholic Academy Trust (SELCAT). Please click here for more information.
Mr Sims
Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
Enquires: office@stmary-rc.greenwich.sch.uk
Welcome from Headteacher
Welcome to the website of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. St Mary’s is an oversubscribed two-form school located in Eltham in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The governors, senior leaders and staff have high aspirations for all pupils, ensuring successful outcomes at every stage.
We are committed to fostering an expectation of excellence within pupils to thrive academically, socially and spiritually. It is the mission of St Mary’s to provide for our students the best possible quality of education, guided by the teachings of Christ and His Church.
The Gospel teachings and British values are embedded in our actions and words. These have influenced our school values (faith; respect; mercy; resilience; love; truth) and permeate through school life.
In September 2021. the school became one of the founding members of the South East London Catholic Academy Trust (SELCAT). Please click here for more information.
Mr Sims
Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
Enquires: office@stmary-rc.greenwich.sch.uk