St Mary's Catholic Primary School

"Nurturing Our God-Given Talents"

Teacher Training / School Vacancies

Click here to find out why you should join St Mary's

Role Opportunity: Midday Meals Supervisor

A vacancy has become available at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School for a Midday Meals Supervisor. This position is Monday – Friday (term time only), 11:50am—13:20pm.

If you would like to apply, please contact the school main office for an application form or email Mrs Pampling at



If you want to train as a primary teacher, there are several routes into teaching which are outlined on the Department of Education website – Get Into Teaching.

Whichever age group and training route you choose; all courses result in the award of qualified teacher status. Additionally, all university-led and most school-led courses will provide a postgraduate qualification, usually a postgraduate certificate in education – or PGCE. You’ll have an extensive network of mentors and tutors to guide you throughout your course.

Please click on the following links for more information.

Department of Education – Get Into Teaching. Outlines all options available.

University of Greenwich

Goldsmiths University

Contact the Headteachers, Mr Sims and Miss Phipps, if you would like to discuss any vacancies/career opportunities.









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