St Mary's Catholic Primary School

"Nurturing Our God-Given Talents"

RE News

Friday 7th February 2025

Today the Year 5 Faith Friends shared the story of how the Fishermen left everything to follow Jesus.  They spoke about how we can follow Jesus in our lives. 

God of Love

Give us strength and courage to follow your Son Jesus in all that we say and do. May our words and actions spread your message of love for all people.


Friday 31st January 2025

Today the Faith Friends spoke to the infant children about The Wedding at Cana. They explained that Jesus showed he was a very special person when he changed water into wine.

God of wonder, we know all things are possible for you. Help us to work together to change the world, so that its a fairer place for all to live.



Friday 17th January 2025

Prayer and Liturgy in Class D was prepared by Heze and Molly. As part of their focus on baptism, they welcomed us with a beautiful prayer, thanking God for the gift of water - for seas, rivers, and lakes.

We discussed various ways we can be still and listen to God's words, such as closing our eyes or focusing on the flame of a burning candle. 

Friday 29th November 2025

Enzo and Archie led Class 5L in our prayer land liturgy this morning, which centred around the Feast of Christ the King. 

We talked about the kind of king Jesus is and what his kingdom is like, that we can't see it as it isn't on Earth and that Jesus doesn't wear a crown or have lots of riches. You don't have to be rich or powerful to be important. What is more important is how you treat others. We reflected on this in class through our prayers. 

Friday 11th October 2024 

Faith friends led the Rosary for Parents this morning, they reflected on the story of the Wedding at Cana. Thankyou to all the parents that joined us this morning - it was very well attended.

Faith friends also led the Rosary for children at lunch time today. We gathered in the prayer garden in the beautiful autumn sunshine and the children reflected on who they would like to prayer for.


Friday 24th May 2024

Faith friends led the rosary today for Parents focusing on the 4th Glorious Mystery. Mary's Assumption into heaven. Thankyou to all parents that attended. 

We are so grateful to The Catenian Rosary Group for their gift of 60 Rosaries to use with our families and children.  The Rosaries were used at our prayer service this morning and are perfect for little hands. 

At lunch time today, the Year 4 Faith friends taught the younger children the sign language for Mary Did you know, one of the songs they sang at The Crowning of Mary. 


Thursday 28th March 2024

Faith Friends led a prayer service for parents to reflect on Jesus' actions at the last supper. 

Friday 1st March 2024

Faith friends led prayer time in the prayer garden today. The told the infant children that we should look after our world as it is made by God. They sang He’ Got the whole world in his hands. 

Friday 23rd February 2024

The Faith Friends went around all the classrooms to see the prayer areas. As it is lent, a time of preparing our hearts for Easter, the prayer areas are purple. The children have written their own Lent promises.

Friday 2nd February 2024

Noah and Pedro led prayer and liturgy. They told their friends that God made the world and the class talked about how we can look after the Earth. Grace said “Don’t put rubbish in the ocean”.

The faith friends spoke about times when Jesus healed sick people. They they asked the infants who helped you when you were sick and thanked God for those people. 


Friday 19th January 2024

Faith Friends shared the story of Jesus calling his disciples to Follow him. We sung Follow Me and the Faith friends helped the children to write their own prayers.

In Reception Isabella and Oscar led Prayer and Liturgy. The chose to share the story of Moses.

Friday 12th January 2024

Thomas and Dexter shared the story of The Three Kings visiting baby Jesus. They asked their friends “What presents would you give to baby Jesus” Quinn said he would bring Love.


The Faith Friends shared the story of Epiphany. They made the gifts and acted out the story. The asked the children to draw pictures of the presents they would give to the baby Jesus.

Wednesday 20th December 2023

The faith friends wanted to teach the infants how Christmas is celebrated around the world. They shared information they had researched about a range of countries including Colombia and Ukraine. We learned that in poland a space at the chrismtas table is always set for an unexpected guest.

Heavenly Father,

Bless Christmas celebrations worldwide with love, peace, and joy. May your light unite hearts and bring comfort to those in need. Thank you



Friday 8th December 2023

Grace and Lily in RA told the story of Jesus birth in prayer time. They also shared the story to the whole of the infants during our Friday assembly, and spoke very confidently.

Faith Friends helped to decorate the school Christmas tree. God’s greatest gift to us is Jesus so the children put the different names for Jesus on the baubles.

Friday 1st December 2023

The faith friends taught the infants about Advent and getting ready to welcome Jesus. Lena made an advent wreath and taught the children about its meaning. The Faith Friends then helped the children to write advent promises. 


Friday 24th November 2023

The faith friends prepared a beautiful prayer time today to teach the children about peace. They wrote their own prayers, showed a clay model of a dove, shared bible readings about peace and helped the children write prayers for peace on doves they had made themselves.

Jesus says: ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.’

Friday 17th November 2023

The Faith friends planned and lead a prayer time about Remembrance for the infant children. They wrote their own prayers and asked the children questions about poppy day.

Friday 10th November 2023

The Faith Friends wanted to teach the infant children about The Saints. They found out about different Saints to talk about.

Connie bought in a picture of her chosen Saint to share with the children. They all sang "When the Saints go Marching in" together.  


Friday 10th November 2023

Members of The Royal British Legion visited our school today and led all children in commemorating Remembrance Day. A two minute silence was held to remember the fallen.  

Friday 6th October 2023

Faith Friends led the rosary for parents and staff of St Mary's and also for the infant children at lunch

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Our Faith Friends helped to deliver our harvest donations for the Greenwich Refugee Aid and Community Enterprise (GRACE) and The Greenwich Winter Night Shelter

Friday 22nd September 2023

Our Faith Friends helped to organise our harvest donations for the Greenwich Refugee Aid and Community Enterprise (GRACE) and The Greenwich Winter Night Shelter 


Friday 30th June 2023

Our Faith Friends led prayer time for the Infant children today. They spoke about how we can welcome others and treat everyone we meet as if they were Jesus. They asked the question:- How can we make others feel welcome this week?

Thursday 29th June 2023

We celebrated the Feast of St Peter and St Paul with a  whole school mass at Christchurch

Friday 26th May 2023

Faith Friends led the rosary for parents of St Mary's

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Year Four led our special Crowning of Our Lady service today. 


Friday 12th May 2023

Faith Friends led the rosary for the infant children

Friday 28th April 2023

Faith Friends led infant prayers

31st March 2023

Easter prayers with Faith Friends

Wednesday 29th March 2023

We celebrated with special Easter masses

Tuesday 17th January 2023

Year Six walked down to Christchurch to participate in the sacrament of Confession with Fr John. 

Friday 6th January 2023:

The children of St Mary's attended a special Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany.

Friday 24th May 2024