St Mary's Catholic Primary School

"Nurturing Our God-Given Talents"

Our Nursery

We have an outstanding Nursery at St Mary’s with a large indoor space and an enclosed outdoor space. Our Nursery team provide great opportunities for the children to learn and grow through a broad range of activities that cover all seven of areas within the Early Years curriculum. We encourage our Nursery children to be curious, take an interest in the world around them and enjoy learning in a variety of ways. We promote independence and responsibility within the Nursery. 

During the year, we read many different stories and enjoy a focus on different topics. Some of our favourite topics are; Nursery Rhymes, Mini-beasts, Aliens and Robots and People who Help Us. We get to enjoy PE lessons and music lessons and use lots of different materials and mediums to create different artworks which get displayed in our art gallery. During the year we participate in some school events such as Crowning of Our Lady and assemblies. We love putting on our Nativity show for parents and enjoy competing in our own Sports Day. 

Through all these activities and so much more, St Mary’s Nursery is a great place for the children to start their primary school career.  

All 3 – 4 year old children are entitled to a free early education place of 15 hours per week, 38 weeks per year (term time only).  


St Mary’s currently offers:  

Morning sessions: (8.30am - 11.30am) 

Afternoon sessions (12.30pm - 3.30pm) 

Full Day sessions (8.30am - 3.30pm). 

From September 2025, we will offer 26 all day sessions (8.30am - 3.30pm) in our Nursery.  We will no longer offer a morning or afternoon session.


Fees as of September 2024: 

For children who are not entitled to the 30 hour funding, the Nursery fees will be £23.10 per day, plus the additional charge for lunch.   

For children who are entitled to the 30 hour funding, the Nursery fees will be £6.80 per day, plus the additional charge for lunch.  

Nursery children that attend all day are provided with a hot school dinner; this is charged at £2.59 per day.

Information regarding the 30-hour funding is available on Please ensure you provide your code to the main office once you have received it.  

Invoices are sent to parents at the beginning of each half term. Parents can make payment through our Wisepay system or use childcare vouchers to pay.